Friday, February 22, 2013

Thing 7:Podcasting and Screencasting

I'm going to use podcasting to introduce my students to the new Kidblog I set up for my 5th grade students.  I'm setting up this blog with a lot of help from my blogging experts and Cool Tool friends, Sally and Paula - thanks girls!  Here is my first podcast. 

I'm going to put this into my welcome message to start the blog.

I did have trouble getting this to display at first.  I made a board on audioboo, copied the embed coding, and pasted it in the HTML view in Blogger.  I just previwed it and it looks like it will work.  Interesting though that when I switched back to the "compose" mode in Blogger to type the rest of this post, I can't see the HTML code anymore, even though in HTML view it is still there and works - wierd.

I think the screencasting tool would be great to set up instructional videos for students on how to use Destiny.  I will maybe post it on the school website.  Also, I may make an instructional video for subs on how to login to Destiny and check books in and out.


  1. I had to use the same procedure to get the graphic and podcast to appear in the Kidblog site too. I had to paste when I was in HTML view in Kidblog. When you return to the compose/text view the HTML code for the podcast is not visible, but as long as it works, I'm ok with that :)

  2. Love you podcast! Very cool.

  3. Great podcast! Your voice is so clear and fun.

  4. That was great! Ditto Polly's comment!
