Friday, December 27, 2013

Thing 12 - Social Learning and Learning Management Systems

I checked out Schoology and Edmodo.  I downloaded the apps for both.  At this point I would use Edmodo with my students as it didn't ask for my email as a student and since I work in elementary this is important.  I found  Mightybell was easy to use and was able to put up a post.  I'm guessing that to use the teacher part for both Schoology and Edmodo you have to create a separate account, is this correct Polly?  As a librarian I can use them for book discussions.  I used Kidblog last year with my fifth graders and this year I may try Edmodo for something different.  Schoology looked like it had more options though, which is what the review videos that I watched indicated.  If I can get rid of the email requirement it might be the way to go.  The quiz function in Schoology was cool.