Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thing 10, 20, 30: Final Reflections & What’s Next?

Wow, I can't believe I have been in this PD for three years already!  I have loved it and learned so much.  Personally,  I have learned how to use an iPad and blog.  Two things I didn't know how to do or was comfortable doing at the beginning.  With my students I have used blogging, Google Lit Trips, Popplet, picture formatting apps, and this year, really tied the learning to my everyday job with Chrome and Google apps.  Lib Guides have been very useful for me personally using the IFC and for my 6th grade students.
 Some of the biggest challenges were so many apps available on the iPad or tablets that I couldn't really use with my students, because I don't have tablets available to me in the library.  Hopefully in the future I can use them.  Also, the cost or student privacy/security would prevent me from using them sometimes, especially with the younger ones.

I liked the Easy Bib Add-on for Google Docs and the Research tool.  I plan to put that in my program next year.  Next year I am part of a collegial circle writing a research unit and this tool will be an integral part. 
Also, next year, my plans are to start a reading blog with students that will be across grade levels that everyone can share book reviews.  Another project on my bucket list is more of a web presence for my library on our school page.

I love learning this way.  I have taken other online classes in the past, so I was familiar with the independent style.  Over the three years, a few of us who have taken the class have gotten together to work on things and it was the best of both worlds.  RCSD has began offering their own online learning classes and I can take advantage of them next year.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Thing 29: Student Response Tools

I looked at a number of things under this topic.  I have been using Google Classroom this year in the library and the students have responded very well to it.  When they turn in their work they love to give a comment or ask me a question.    I have also set up a Google Classroom and forgot to turn on the student to student comments - that has turned out to be just a little bit of a distraction :)

Being able to comment back to them on their Google Doc or assignment has been very useful too.  I am currently working with 5th grades and doing book reviews.

I left a comment on Padlet.  I liked the format.
I am integrating Google Apps more and more into my program and I would like to explore further next year using Google Forms. 
I loved the Answercloud.  I have been using word clouds with my younger grades.  The students really respond well to them.  It is a perfect activity for a wrap up to reading a book.  This answercloud will be a great enhancement to that because they can all see each other's responses. 

Looked at the Quizlet program on the suggestion of another Cool Tool blog post from a co-worker.  I like what I see so far in it.  Made a few flash cards for vocab words in a unit about plagiarism.   I will try and use it with my intermediate students.

There are quite a few options under this topic to use for just about any class situation.  This will be great to choose from in the future.