Friday, March 22, 2019

Thing 17: eBook Creation

Link to my project

Book Creator is awesome!  I watched the Getting Started With Book Creator for Chrome by Dr. Monica Burns from July 2018.  

The product is very easy to use.  I included a link above to the book I created during the 45 minute video.  I love the recording feature.  It allowed me to add a recording of my voice (which I deleted) and also tried out the speech to text feature.  Students will be so excited about this.

My 1st grade enrichment group just started a state research project.  It s the same group who created the green screen video.   This product will be perfect for them.  They can each create a page using the joining code and then I can combine the individual pages and easily share the book with their classes and families - electronically and a paper copy.

The speech to text feature is perfect for first grade.  They can speak their facts on the page.  They can read the notes they take. This will put the focus on the information and not so focused on the correct spelling.  Some in the group have challenges with their handwriting.  Using the product I can find a balance between them learning keyboard skills and creating a project they are proud of.  Some were very frustrated during the last research project with the writing part.  Having them type a fact and speak a fact provides the perfect balance.  Drawing will provide that personalization students crave.

I can see other uses too - reader's response after I read a story to a class.  A quick way to record and assess.  

I am currently reading Magic Tree House books to  1st and 2nd grades classes.  This would fit nicely as a summary when we finish the book.

Excited to begin using Book Creator!

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas for using this. Love the uses you've thought of for the audio tool.
